Client Forms & Fees

Methods of Payment Accepted

  • Total fee is 3200 which includes all care from pregnancy through 6 weeks postpartum. You will receive prenatal care, labor & birth care, and 3 in-home visits after the birth during the first 6 weeks.

  • We can accept most private insurance PPO plans that allow for out of network coverage. If your insurance company pays less then 3200, you will be responsible for the remaining due.

Forms for New Clients

Please complete & bring with you to the first meeting, or email back to Jennifer at

  1. Health overview: herstory.doc

  2. Practice philosophy & informed choice: informed choice

  3. Insurance information: registration form

Other Forms

  1. Birth supply list: ITEMS NEEDED FOR BIRTH.doc

  2. Group B. Strep information: GBS consent.doc

  3. Newborn testing & procedures: newborn tests and procedures.doc